Calendar 2023

Easter Calendar 2023 Uk: A Guide To Celebrate Easter The British Way

Easter Calendar 2023 Uk: A Guide To Celebrate Easter The British Way


Easter is a time of joy and celebration for Christians worldwide. The UK, being a predominantly Christian country, has its own unique way of celebrating Easter. In this article, we will explore the Easter calendar of 2023 in the UK and the various events and festivals that take place during this time.

Personal Experience

As someone who has lived in the UK for a few years, I have had the opportunity to experience Easter celebrations firsthand. From attending church services to participating in Easter egg hunts, I have come to appreciate the significance of this holiday in the British culture.

Understanding Easter in the UK

Easter in the UK is celebrated as a four-day weekend, starting from Good Friday and ending on Easter Monday. Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, while Easter Sunday celebrates his resurrection.

World Events and Festivals in Easter Calendar 2023 UK

The UK has a variety of events and festivals that take place during the Easter season. Some of these include: 1. The Passion of Jesus – a re-enactment of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ in Trafalgar Square, London. 2. Easter Egg Hunts – various organizations and attractions host egg hunts for children across the country. 3. The Grand National – a horse race that takes place on Easter Saturday. 4. The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race – a traditional rowing race between the two universities that takes place on Easter Sunday.

List of Events and Festivals in Easter Calendar 2023 UK

Here is a detailed list of events and festivals that take place during the Easter calendar of 2023 in the UK: 1. April 14: Good Friday 2. April 15: The Passion of Jesus 3. April 16: Easter Sunday 4. April 17: Easter Monday 5. April 22: The Grand National 6. April 23: The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race

Question & Answer

Q: What is the significance of Easter Sunday in the UK?

A: Easter Sunday is the day when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a day of joy and hope, as it represents the triumph of life over death.

Q: Are there any traditional foods that are eaten during Easter in the UK?

A: Yes, there are several traditional foods that are eaten during Easter in the UK, such as hot cross buns, roast lamb, and simnel cake.

Q: What is the meaning of the Easter egg hunt?

A: The Easter egg hunt is a fun activity for children, where they search for hidden eggs. The tradition is said to have originated from the ancient pagan festival of Eostre, which celebrated the arrival of spring and new life.


The Easter calendar of 2023 in the UK offers a variety of events and festivals for people of all ages to enjoy. From religious ceremonies to fun-filled activities, there is something for everyone during this time. So, come and join in the celebrations, and experience Easter the British way!

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